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Nancy Smith Photography bio picture

    HI I am Nancy Smith of Nancy Smith Photography.

    My love for photography began many years ago. I always had a camera in my hand.


Tennessee Zoo

Have you visited Tennessee? I have family there and when we visit they take real good care of us. They always want us to have a good time and see all the sites. I have had some great times there. Barbeque is big in that area and let me tell you I can’t get enough of it! Barbeque galore! When my brother goes he always comes home with great new ideas to try when he barbeques dinner here. Well a big part of Tennessee is the seasons. Yes, they have seasons….You know when an area gets snow in the winter and the trees change color in the fall….Oh and did I mention mosquitos….sometimes as big as the palm of my hand! Well that is just a little thing…the trees and the beautiful colors that leaves have when they change. Amazing color on every tree I saw. Wish we could see that in California.

Casey and Chris wedding

A beautiful venue for a wedding. Oh my gosh! When my friend Paige asked me to help photograph a wedding at this location in Indio I was so excited. The house was big and beautiful. The weather was perfect. The decorations were so sweet. All of the surroundings were so special. All of that was special but you know what made it really beautiful? The beautiful bride!

Of course the handsome groom was a key part in the scenario too.

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